NOVELS by Jack McKinney


Robotech #1 Genesis

As the Golbal Civil War was about to wipe out humankind, a dying alien genius dispatched the abandoned Super Dimensional Fortress to Earth-and put humanity's in the hands of a corps of untried, resolute young men and women: the Robotech Defense Force. Then the most feared conquerors in the universe attacked, and the real war began...

Robotech #2 Battle Cry

Henry Gloval, human captain of the alien spacecraft called the Super Dimensional Fortress, was a practical man-he only asked himself how in the world he had ended in command of the stupendously powerful SDF-1 once or twice a day. After all, he hadmore important things on his mind-for now the Zentraedi had come to claim the alien space fortress as their own...

Robotech #3 Homecoming

For more than a year, the humans aboard the SDF-1 had fought and eluded the and endless armada of Zentraedi warships. Now the space fortress would have to battle her way back to Earth. But villains came in human form as well as alien-and the treachery of power hungry men might be the most lethal threat of all...

Robotech #4 Battlehymn

For two years, Captain Henry Gloval and the crew of the Super Dimensional Fortress had been chased through the solar system by a race of giant alien warriors, only to be grounded and ignored when they returned to planet Earth. But Gloval did not take things lying down. Violating Council dictates, he orders the SDF-1 airborne. The fate of the Earth was at stake...

Robotech #5 Force of Arms

The alien armada had hunted the mighty SDF-1 across the trackless void of space and now planned to destroy it-along with the human race, it's homeworld, and any aliens who had defected to the Terran side. Every Zentraedi warrior was mobilized for the climatic battle of the Robotech War. For the aliens, like humanity, must win or be obliterated!

Robotech #6 Doomsday

The SDF-1 had returned to its ravaged homeworld and earth's humans had begun the painstaking process of reconstruction. They and their former enemies, the Zentraedi, now shared a common goal-survival! But all was not well in this bravest of worlds: unaccustomed to a life wothout warfare, many Zentraedi were reverting to their old xenophobic ways...

Robotech #7 Southern Cross

The Robotech Masters had come to Earth to finish the conquest their Zentraedi warrior-slaves had begun...and a battle-ravaged Earth had to defend itself once more. That was when Dana Sterling, half-Human, half-Zentraedi commander of an elite Hovertank unit, stepped into the spotlight of interstellar history!

Robotech #8 Metal Fire

An alien fortress had crash-landedon Earth-brought down in the struggle between the Robotech Masters and Earth's Human inhabitants. Now the fortress dared someone to penetrate its dark mysteries. And who better to brave that ship that Dana Sterling's 15th Squadron ATAC's-after all, they had brought the thing down to begin with!

Robotech #9 The Final Nighmare

The Robotech Masters' Protoculture Matrix was degenerating, transforming into the Flower of Life-which was sure to draw the savage meciless Invid across the galaxy to Earth. But the Army of the Southern Cross vowed to fight to the bitter end. And Dana Sterling waged a desperate war of her own to uncover the meaning of of her strage visions and the secret of her alien heritage...

Robotech #10 Invid Invasion

A DESPERATE COUNTER INVASION The Invis Regis had succeeded where the Zentraedi and their Robotech Masters had failed. She had driven he warrior horde across the far reaches of space to lay claim to the galaxy's last supply of the Flower of Life and its all-precious offspring, Protoculture. Earth was conquered, occupied; and it was up to the space-weary veterans of the Expeditionary Force to retake the planet-a worl most of them had never seen. Only no one had forseen the disastrous defeat that would greet the first wave, or the miserable welcome in store for its few and sorry horoes. But Lieutenant Scott Bernard had survived both, and it was now his mission as well as his personal pledge, to reach and destroy the Invid hive dubbed Reflex Point. He would soon have a ragtag band of freedom fighters at his side, but before them were thousands of miles of travel through hostile territory on...

Robotech #11 Metamorphosis

UNLIKELY HEROES The Shapings of the Protoculture had never thrown together a less conventional band of champions: A downed pilot who is a stranger on his own homeworld. A former biker hellion who hides her compassion inside a leather-tough exterior. A young Forrager obsessed with the vanishing heritage of Humanity's lore. With them ride a soulful, hulking deserter... a lethal Robotech warrior whose art is all irresponsible adolescent convinced that the world owes her a great romance...and a cloned emeny Simulagent who can'tquite recall who she is. And somewhere ahead lies Reflex Point, nerve center and stronghold of the Invid conquerors. This motley group is Earth's last hope...and it doesn't look like a force to be reckoned with.

Robotech #12 Symphony of Light

THE DECISIVE BATTLE It had been a long hard road for Scott Bernard and his ragtag band of Robotech irregulars; but the Invid stronghold known as Reflex Point was finally close at hand, and preparations were under way for a full scale assault. But the Invid Regis was not about to surrender so easily the world she had come halfway across the galaxy to claim-especially now that her experiments in racial transmutation were nearing their conclusion. And no one, Human or Invid, thought to ask whether Protoculture might have something to say in these matters. But indeed it did; and the final encounter of the Robotech Wars would be more mystifying than anyone had imagined.

Robotech: The Sentinels #1 The Devil's Hand

In 2020, a new battle fortress, the SDF-3. was tasked with a trip across the galaxy to make peace with Tirol's Robotech Masters. But the Robotech Masters were already o ntheir way to Earth. And at Tirol, the SDF-3 would face the galaxy's fiercest warlord: the Invid Regent!

Robotech: The Sentinels #2 Dark Powers

Stranded on the far side of the galaxy after battling the Invid hordes, the Robotech Expeditionary Force's chances for survival were slim. But suddenly a starship unlike any other appeared-manned by an incredible assortment of beings determined to challenge the Invid Regent himself! REF volunteers and their war mecha signed on for a campaign that would mean their destruction-or liberty for the plantes of the Sentinels!

Robotech: The Sentinels #3 Death Dance

Four months had passed without a word from the Sentinels. Fearing the worst, the Expiditionary Mission to Tilor began truce negotiations with the Invid Regent himself. But far, the surviving Sentinels were stranded on Praxis, a planet in cataclysm. Deep within that world's core were answers to the Sentinel's prayers-if they could only reach them before Praxis tore itself apart...

Robotech: The Sentinels #4 World Killers

The bear like Karbarrans and the swashbuckling amazons from Prazis, the feral natives of Garuda and the Human Robotech heroes-these oddly met champions banded together with other races from other planets, to form the Sentinels. Yet what fighting force could hope to dislodge the Invid horde from Hydon IV, ethreal world of super science and hidden emotional conflict; or Spheris, crystalline globe of living minerals and murderous resonances? The Sentinels launch their attack nevertheless; they've come too far to surrender to tyranny. But the treachery of a megalomanic Human general and a mutating Invid P.O.W. make the war seem hopeless. The Sentinels battle on, though, because for them it's...

Robotech: The Sentinels #5 Rubicon

Optera! Birthplace of the Flowers of Life and their agents of retribution, the Invid... nexus for an unfolding of events that had left the galaxy reshaped and redefined... and now the focal point of the Sentinels' long campaign to liberate the quadrant from the Regents tyranny. Edwards is on his way to Optera, in flight from Tirol with his prisoner Lynn-Minmei and a handful of Invid Inorganics under his control. So too are Bretai's Zentraedi-closing on the very world the Imperative bade them defoliate generations ago-and the renegade forces of Tesla, mutated beyond recognition by the fruits of the Flower. The Sentinels themselves are not far behind. However, they have Peryton to deal with first-a godforsaken planet cursed by fate and time itself. But what awaits Rick, Lisa, and the Human Sentinels there is a mere primer for what is to come: the realization that they hav journeyed across the galaxy...

Robotech #18The End of the Circle

The SDF-3 has remanifested from spacefold, but no one aboard has the faintest idea where they are. The ship appears to be grounded in some glowing fog, ensnared by light inself. Land and Rem dub the phenomenon "newspace"-but are at a loss to explain what it really is and who, or what, is keeping them there. For Long it seems like old times: The ship's Protocuture drives have disappeared. In Earthspace, the ARK ANGEL has been spared the transubstantiantion. Vince and Jean Grant decide that the only logical course of action is to try and locate the SDF-3
On Haydoon IV, something has awakened the the Haydonites. Exedore and the four sterlings suddenly find themselves imprisoned beneath the surface-as the planet leaves orbit, destination unknow...
All of the pieces of this strange comsmic puzzle are about to come together...and the ultimate comflict is imminent. The question is:

Robotech #19 The Zentraedi Rebellion

Nit everone was eager to share the planet Earth with the Zentraedi survivor of the First Robotech war. And nowhere was this more evident than in the Southlands, into whose forested heart so many alien warships had plunged in the final moments of the Rain of Death. There was little prospect of a lasting peace. The tensions in the Southlands had givin rise to two opposing forces: the Army of the Southern Cross, commanded by the xenophobic Field Marshal Anatole Leonard; and a loosely organized brigade of Zentraedi insurgents, driven by the Imperative to continue the fight-until one race or the other was eradicated. Caught between the rivals was the Robotech Defense Force. Rick Hunter, Lisa Hayes, Max and Miriya Sterling, Breetai, and others would all have their parts to play in the period that came to be called the Malcontent Uprisings..

Robotech #20 The Masters' Gambit

BURIED TREASURE FROM ANOTHER PLANET The Robotech Masters had come to Earth to relcaim the precious Protoculture Matrix-the enigmatic substance that powered an entire civilization. But poised on the edge of Earthspace, the Masters discovered their mission would not be easy. For Earth's Robotech defenders had vanquished the Masters' clone army; and the Super Dimensional Fortress that concealed the Matrix lay inacessable beneath the ruins of Macross City. And though the SDF-1's mother computer had survived the holocaust, it was now housed at the Humans' Protoculture research lab in Tokyo-where it embarked on a second carrer as EVE, the telegenetic guiding voice of the postwar generation. EVE was the Masters' only possible sccess to the buried Matrix. But two things stood in their way: an ally of the Humans who seemed to be the renegade Robotech scientist Zor, and a group of young, cynical hackers out to subvert Tokyo's most powerful computers-especially EVE, the most tempting target of them all...

Robotech #21 Before the Invid Storm

The second Robotech War ended without victors. The Masters had been defeated, but the Army of the Southern Cross had suffered devastating losses, with Earth's cities reduced to rubble.
Then a heavily armed warship arrived from Tirol and instantly became the object of intense rivalries. To the survivors of the United Earth Governmandt, it was spear they could hurl in to the Invid Sensor Nevula. To the decimated Southern Cross forces, it was the weapon they needed to use against the impending Invid invasion. For The Starchildren it represnted escape from their planetary prison, and the Shimada Family wanted it neutralized vefore it sabotaged their hopes for a peaceful solution.
But no one know just how dangerous the ship could be. No one, that is, Except for its commander, Colonel Jonathen Wolf of the ragtag freedom fighters known as the Sentinels, and Kanna Sterling, heroine of the War with the Masters. And Dana had her own agenda....